Archive | July 1, 2016

Judge Me.. I Have Tattoos

So I guess it is time to confess to my family that I have three tattoos. Most know don’t get me wrong. They are not the easiest to hide, but what they do not know is the actual meaning behind them. I just wanted to take some time to tell everyone who does not know and ask people if they have meaning behind their tattoos.

My first tattoo that I got is located on my ribs. I know, ouch, but to me it was actually not that bad. It is the tattoo with the most significance because it is for my Nana. She had told me when I graduated high school to live by this song, and when she passed away that was all I had left of her. So now I carry her around with me everywhere. Granted, if she knew that I got this for her should would probably kill me, but this is something I needed to do in order to keep her here with me.

tat 1

My second tattoo is on the top of my foot. This was my more creative tattoo. It is written in my mom, dad and little brothers handwriting. This is a phrase we have been saying since the time I was born, but the actual significance is that my family is everything to me. They have stuck by my through thick and thin and this tattoo allows me to remember that. Having it written in their handwriting was more for me being able to trust them because I was putting this on my body forever, so they did well! (“Love you” is written in my moms handwriting, “like a” is written in my dads and “Crazy” is written in my little brothers)

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My last tattoo is located on the inside of my ankle. This tattoo was an impulse tattoo but something I have always wanted. Many have thought I got it just to get one, but in reality I put a lot of thought behind this. When I came to college I was a biology major and wanted to become a marine biologist. I was so passionate about helping animals, particularly whales and dolphins, so this is the message behind my tattoo. I still love whales and dolphins, I would love to be able to be a marine biologist, but that is not feasible for me. So I got this tattoo to represent my desire to help them in any way that I can.

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I love tattoos. I love the story or the message behind them. I have three, all with meaning, and plan to hopefully get more. Both of my parents have tattoos, my mom has smaller ones and my dad has larger ones, so for me to get tattoos was really no big deal in their eyes. Like I said, I do play to get more and I have ideas that I like, but most need to wait until after I get married because I am personally choosing to not have my tattoos pictured in my wedding photos. Again, that is a personal preference. I just wanted to share my love for my tattoos and the message/meaning behind them so everyone in my life can understand that there is a purpose for them. I was not some crazy college kid who did not put any thought behind them. I love mine and will be a proud eighty year old with tattoos.